As a certified Les Mills instructor, the process to secure your discounted Les Mills+ subscription is exclusive to your Connect account. Simply follow the instructions below to ensure you're all set up and ready to enjoy the benefits.

1. To access Connect, simple click this link -

2. Sign in by entering your email and password after navigating to the Connect log in page.

 3. Once you've signed in, click "My dashboard":

4. Navigate to the top right of your browser and click on the "LES MILLS Connect" button, then select "LES MILLS+" from the dropdown menu:


5. Once you click this link, you will be navigated to the LES MILLS+ sign up page. You should see a discounted monthly PREMIUM tier subscription on this page. Click "SIGN UP" on this product option. 

6. Provide all required information which will include email, password, full name and payment details. Once your subscription is successfully processed, you'll be directed to the screen below.

NOTE: If you had a subscription before, you'll be prompted to log in after entering your email during the sign-up process. If you can't recall your password and need to reset it, simply click on the article link for step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

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